17:00 -18:25:
Alfredo Marín (Plenary): 45 minutes of lifting.
Nicolás Zerga: Service design problem with outsourcing decisions.
Juan Manuel Muñoz: Upgrading connections in hub network design decision.
22:00: Dinner.
9:30 -11:15:
Justo Puerto (Plenary): Pricing heterogeneous products to heterogeneous customers who buy sequentially.
Teresa Navarro: Cargo allocation problem in road transport.
Gabriel González: Steiner tree with pre-fixed topology.
Francisco Temprano: New approaches to hypergraph clustering.
Coffee break.
11:40 – 13:00:
Raúl Páez: Some location problems with neighborhoods.
Carmen Ana Domínguez: Collaboration in multi-period location.
Miguel Antón: Gravitational Covering Location Problem.
Alberto Torrejón: Ordered approach to Equity in Location problems.
14:30: Lunch.